Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang

Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang

Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang


Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang is an eight-story short story collection. The story called Story of Your Life was adapted into a movie called Arrival. The title of the newest edition is Arrival and the book cover depicts the movie poster. I read the 2002 edition of this book and include that picture in this review. These stories were all published in anthologies or magazines over a span of twenty-two years. Story of your Life might be the best story in this collection, but the other stories all interesting and well worth reading.

Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang


Notes about the eight stories follow in the order that they were published in the collection.

The Tower of Babylon follows Hillalum on his journey up a fantasy version of the Tower of Babel. What he finds at the top will change his view of the world.

In Understand, Leon Greco gets an experimental treatment using hormone K, which increases his intelligence exponentially. The story is a variation of Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. Leon tries to comprehend the implications of his expanded mind.

Renee is a mathematics professor who must come to terms with the ramifications of a successful proof of Division by Zero.

In the Story of Your Life, Louise Banks is a linguist who is attempting to decipher an extraterrestrial language. Discovering the heptapod’s language will have a major impact on Louise’s future.

Robert learns the Seventy-Two Letters that will bring a golem to life. What he does with that knowledge will impact the future of the human race.

The Evolution of Human Science is a very short story about the role of humans after super-intelligent metahumans have taken the lead in all new research in science.

Neil Fisk finds out that Hell is the Absence of God after he experiences trials like the biblical Job when angels come to earth and randomly bestow miracles and catastrophes. The story explores the true nature of devotion.

The last story is called Liking What You See: A Documentary. It explores the unexpected problems developed when it becomes possible to have a procedure called calliagnosia, where the patient can no longer judge people by the way that they look.


Clearly the star in this collection is Story of Your Life. I can understand why it was turned into a movie. The visual medium brought an extra layer of depth to the audience by them being able to see the alien language and follow Louise’s dilemma. The other story that stands out to me is the Tower of Babylon. I liked how Chiang mixed the biblical story, a historical story, and a fantasy story together. I am glad that I read this collection, because each story raised an intriguing point to ponder.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang.

My review of Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. Red Mars is an SF novel about the struggle early explorers have in colonizing Mars. It is a hard SF novel like Stories of Your Life.

Red Country by Joe Abercrombie

Red Country by Joe Abercrombie

Red Country by Joe Abercrombie, First Law World Series Book #6


Shy South has many problems. Her farm was burned by bandits and the bandits took her younger sister and brother away across the Far Country. Their farmhand, Gully, was hung until dead. She must decide if she is up to the task to track down and rescue her siblings. Her only help comes from her cowardly stepfather named Lamb, though he has secrets that could help her in her quest. She must fight tribal members who live in the Far Country who are called Ghosts, a mercenary captain bent on obtaining the rumored treasure of the Ghosts and the remnants of an ancient empire as well if she is to achieve her objectives.



The author brings his grimdark mentality to a mix of fantasy and western tropes in this novel. The story starts in Shy’s hometown of Squaredeal. Her and Lamb search for Shy’s siblings, Pit and Ro, in the town of Averstock. They join a sort of wagon train, called a Fellowship, that’s headed to the mountains where there are rumors of gold. They try to avoid the Ghosts hunting them and the mercenary force lead by Nicomo Cosca, who is employed by the Union to seek out the rebel named Conthus.

Cosca’s lawyer named Temple joins the wagon train as it heads to the mining town of Crease. They must pass the Old Empire bridge that crosses the Sictus river. Cosca follows them and believes that the Ghosts are hiding a huge treasure. The final showdown is at the Ghost city of Ashranc where Shy gets the chance to achieve all that she wants.


I question whether Shy should be the main viewpoint character in this novel. Lamb is the character who changes the most. He is the one who drives the action. Maybe my opinion is colored by having read the previous book in the First Law World called Best Served Cold. In that book, the main viewpoint character was named Monza. She seeks revenge against the men who left her for dead. Her character was more intriguing to me than Shy and in comparison Shy is a pale shadow of her.

I would have liked to read the book with Lamb as the main viewpoint character, but Red Country is about Shy’s journey to save her siblings. It was an interesting attempt at putting western themes into the First Law World and well worth reading.  However, I am more looking forward to reading the second First Law Trilogy, which the author is working on at this time.


This is the link to the Goodreads page of Red Country by Joe Abercrombie, First Law World Series Book #6

This is a link to my review of Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan, The Powder Mage Series Book #1.

This book is similar in tone and grittiness to Red Country. The book is a gunpowder fantasy. There are three main characters. The book opens with the story of Adamat. He is a retired detective. His magical gift is a perfect memory. Tamas is the second main character, a wise leader of men. He is a powder mage, a person that can use gunpowder as magical dust to heal oneself or to manipulate bullets. The third main character is Tamas’s son Taniel. Taniel is a powerful powder mage, the action hero of the story. He uses gunpowder as a narcotic. His reaction to snorting gunpowder is a cross between snuff and cocaine. This is a link to my review.

Writing Progress Report April 2017

Writing Progress Report April 2017

This is my Writing Progress Report April 2017.

Writing Progress Report April 2017

“Hey Ollie. Squirrel!!!”

“Bark, Bark, Bark.” Ollie says.

Writing Progress from March 2017

I wrote three blog posts for including my writing progress report for March 2017 linked below.

I completed 12 of the 21 exercises to complete the exercises from Sarah Domet’s book called 90 Days to Your Novel.

Completed a draft for a new Chapter 1 of An Assassin in New Marl.

Submitted the story 4 Humours to a short fiction magazine.

The stories 4 Humours and Space Station Sunyata are still in review at other magazines.

The story Grognard can be sent to another magazine.

Events from March 2017

Attended ConCoction from March 10 to March 12, 2017, at the Sheraton Cleveland Airport 5300 Riverside Drive, Cleveland, OH 44135. I volunteered for 12 hours at the event in the Con Suite.

I purchased a map for An Assassin in New Marl City from created by renflowergrapx.

The map was beautiful and turned out exactly how I imagined it.

I purchased a new banner for my website from Fiveer from gigblast.

Downloaded the free trial of Scrivener.

Writing Goals for April 2017

Continue to work on An Assassin in New Marl City. I want to expand the novel from 20 chapters to 36 chapters (100000 words total). Write four more additional chapters of the novel.

Polish and submit the stories White Bracer, Mage Squad, Time Traveller One, Prisoner of Tarnal, and Kay-Eye for submission to short fiction magazines.

Submit Grognard to another short fiction magazine.

Planned Events for April 2017

Planning on purchasing an e-book cover for An Assassin in New Marl City from Fiveer.

Put the first nine chapters of An Assassin in New Marl City into the writing program Scrivener.

Work on completing a Query letter to use to find an agent for An Assassin in New Marl.